"I've been watching your videos and your personal journey for about 2 years and all this time have been wanting to experience a session with you. What I experienced this past Saturday was beyond my imagination. I didn't expect that so much would be brought into my awareness. I am still digesting all of the information... Many pieces of a puzzle were put together, for which I am eternally grateful. You're a gem, thank you, thank you for all that you do!" ~ K. P., Washington ~

"Isabella came into my life just at the right moment. She shone her light on situations that had troubled me for years, I mean years, and gave simple solutions. She could see imbalances in my body-energies and harmonize them. In my session everything came together and I had one aha moment after another! It has relaxed me and my body enormously, now that I know where I come from, and what I have been up to in different lives.  Also my outlook in life has changed as I now know what I am here for! I feel more happy! I have had many sessions in my life, none of them were as clear, precise, supportive and spot on! Many thanks, Isabella, for you and for your dedication and work in all realms of Universes, Dimensions and Earth!" - M. B., Switzerland 

“I have just completed a multiple-session, multidimensional full family reading and healing from Isabella Greene and I already feel the upshift.

The kid sessions were especially impactful. She cleared their energy fields, discovered their galactic origins along with some of the human incarnations they are pulling from, and had direct dialogues with their souls. All this was followed up with hour-long sessions with me where we went over the material and discussed possible solutions to current challenges. She confirmed a lot of what I had suspected about their paths as well as the impact that my unconscious parenting has had on them. I now have a much bigger perspective on the experiences and challenges we face as a family and am more confident and hopeful about how I can help them navigate this reality.

Personally, she not only helped me level up, but she also provided a profound cord cutting experience that has freed me from much suffering. 

Isabella is compassionate, talented and thorough and is so obviously passionate about her work. I recommend her wholeheartedly to anyone, and consider her an indispensable resource for parents. 

Isabella, I am eternally grateful to you.” – D. S. Canada

“I came to Isabella through a referral from my beloved doctor whom I trust completely. Without her confidence I don’t think I would have put my faith in someone working in the metaphysical world as it’s not my orientation.

This was my first experience with energy work of any kind. Isabella has already made a real difference for me. She put my chronic illness into perspective and showed me the thread between my early family life and my current health issues.

She helped me uncover, explore, and explain the messages I received from my parents and the connection to my life today.

I am so grateful for this, I feel lighter, more relaxed, and more optimistic about my future. She gave me permission to let go of the bounds that have held me and have prevented me from fully experiencing connection with the people I love and, most importantly, with myself. I look forward to following her guidance and continuing to work on this myself. Isabella, I can’t thank you enough.” – A.C., NY

“Your work is very intricate, you covered everything way more than I expected” - J.D., Ireland
"A very big thank you for the work you did with my husband, I can sense the shift in him. I know you went above and beyond. The information you were able to provide has really opened his eyes and he enjoyed connecting all the dots and analyzing his patterns. This is a positive step forward and I appreciate your work opening this door and where this may take him. I know he wasn't sure what to expect but he was pretty blown away!" - J. D., Dubai 
"Oh Isabella, thank you so much for our session last week. During our follow up call I knew in that moment my life would never be the same. I was fully reborn into my human body. My relationship with myself has made a full shift. I am truly in a state of love and honor to be a human, the resistance to earth life has dissolved. My mind has become a more peaceful place and has joined forces with my heart. For the first time I can hear the unity within. I AM just so so grateful for your love, support and to experience your gifts as they are truly unique to who you are. My deepest gratitude.” – M.A., OR  
"My session with Isabella was truly amazing. There was "stuff" lingering from my earlier life - that has been cleared. The clearing has opened the space for my newness to be experienced. I received so many answers to personal questions that  I now have a peaceful~calm within. It's really cool that my family and friends have noticed the change in me, as well.  I am loving this feeling. My session was an absolute game changer." - D.B., CO
“I couldn’t even imagine that someone offers such an intricate all-inclusive process” – L. B., OH 
"Wow....just wow. I am an energetic healer and felt that a deeper understanding into my spiritual and emotional background would be very beneficial. I had many questions about my challenging childhood (and previous lives) and wanted more understanding about my life's purpose. I am so grateful that I found Isabella! I was dumbfounded when she described my childhood PERFECTLY. Without any prior knowledge, she accurately explained each of my parents and why they acted the way they did. I just sobbed while she spoke, in gratitude. Then, she accurately explained a pivotal time in my adulthood. Her accuracy was amazing. Isabella spoke with love and without judgment. For the first time, all the pieces of my life make sense. It's like she has taken 100 pounds of emotional and psychic weight off of me. I feel so much lighter and brighter now! I am extremely grateful to have had the privilege to benefit from Isabella's amazing gifts. She's the "real deal"." ~ D. A., California ~

Client Testimonials

​​“Thank you so much Isabella for the incredible session/healing/channeling and I send you all my appreciation! I am integrating and listening to the recordings to help with assimilation of all the magnitude of the information you have brought to my awareness. Much love much light and thank you again!"- P. L., Canada 

​​“Isabella first removed undesirable entities from my field. Then she revealed to me in a skillful and methodical way throughout her healing session the unconscious mapping of my childhood environment, conditioning and experiences with current choices, accomplishments and failures at various levels and dimensions of my social, professional and personal
life. The understanding of this (almost systemic) correspondence allowed me to recognize and undo the negative patterns, hence bringing more clarity and balance to my life. Thank you, Isabella! With love and gratitude.” – A.K.E., PhD, ON, Canada

"Grateful for you and your work and its many ripples both for my life individually and the courage it has given me but also for what it can do to collective well-being!!! Thank u universe for this!!! I feel courage AND confidence AND faith in the path and in listening and in what it means to be awake and alive and in patience with the judge and kindness to myself and TRUST that it is alright to not have evidence beyond "a feeling"...the power of intuition and the sheer meaning of its depth!!! Thank you tremendously for this contribution! " ~ E.G., Ph.D, New York ~ 
"It has taken me a while to be able to physically sit and align my words for this endeavor. I have never experienced the level of giving in any lightworker over the last three decades that I experienced with Isabella. In my session I was completely seized by the breadth and specificity of the information coming in, yet I also realized that I had to partner it with the sheer awe I felt surging up as I realized moment by moment just how much Isabella is able to offer.

She makes you understand more deeply just how vast we are in our being. When she steps out of time with her multidimensional being to relay to you what is present in your system, she leaves no stone unturned.

From sharing my material to the initial call, to the hours-long session, it was the most invested and thorough healing and awareness session I’ve ever experienced. It was a session I could not have imagined beforehand.

I cannot express properly the gratitude I feel for Isabella for the amount of information she was able to give and bring through from my higher aspects, the amount of clearing she was able to facilitate and the amount of assistance with tools and explanations to help me move forward from my session. I savor the awe I feel for this level of giving. It has been as much a gift as the clearing and healing. It is the gift of a deeper understanding of what’s possible as we open to our multidimensional nature.” - R.F., TX

Isabella Greene

"I have just finished my third session with Isabella. What a blessing it is to work with her! Over the past several years, she has assisted me through some of the roughest times of my life. I don't know many who are as tapped-in to the spiritual realm as she is, with the ability to bring that knowledge into the physical with practical guidance to incorporate into everyday life. She is so thorough, and the time and energy that she puts into every session is beyond compare. She always exceeds my expectations, and this session was no different. Not only do I feel at peace in my heart and excited about my future, but when I got up from the first half of our session, the excruciating pain in my lower back, hip and down my leg that had been plaguing me for over a year was gone! Isabella, words can't describe what you have done for me. I appreciate you so much!" - C.J., CT

"I just want to thank you again so very much. My gratitude is immeasurable. I can’t say every second has been easy, but the will to do the work and the tools you left me with are so valuable. Your gifts are beautiful and you are a talented healer. The stuff you walked me through was more than any therapist ever had. Your words guide me in tense moments. Thank you!" - C.B., CT

“I waited for 12 months to have my session with Isabella Greene and it was more than worth the wait! Now that I experienced her work, I would've gladly waitied for 2-3 years! She found auric attachments that other healers could not see, but I could feel. As she removed them, I instantly felt so much lighter! She showed me the root causes of the patterns that are still running my life, and gave me recommendations on how to overcome them. The past life reading was spot-on, Isabella even found a relevant incarnation of my Father’s! The channeling was very coherent and packed with information. I think it will take me a while to unpack it. The session overall was everything I hoped for and more. Isabella’s method is both effective and unique. I had many sessions in my life, but I’ve never encountered a healer quite like herself. No wonder she is so booked up! Thank you, Isabella, for this incredible gift! Our session was a highlight of my year!” – D. E., Spain


“Isabella, words cannot describe how grateful I am for all of your assistance! I find your healing work being really effective, because you use BOTH: advance psychic abilities and deep knowledge of human psychology. Which is a very powerful and rare combination!” – A.C., Canada

“My session with Isabella was literally 
​the most in-depth and the most profound experience I’ve ever had with a healer!”
​– M. T. , Australia
"I wanted to let you know just how much our session has changed my life! It was a little over a year and a half ago, my heart was closed off with the black box, well let me tell you: it is open now! I could go on and on and on telling you how your work has changed my life but the details aren’t all that important.  I just want you to know that you super charged me on my path! Thank you thank you!!!!" - R.N., UT 

“I had the most beautiful, amazing and enlightening session with Isabella Greene. I discovered her channel on Youtube and felt immediately that I had to have a session with her, right away I admired her talent and professionalism and everything she talks about in her videos really spoke to my heart. I have always been a spiritual seeker and interested especially in cosmic origins, higher self embodiment, and channeling, I’ve had lots of different kinds of readings in my lifetime but nothing comes near what I experienced working with Isabella.

First of all, scheduling with her is really easy and her site is very easy to navigate and very informative. I scheduled for the Medley with the Quantum Healing session and shortly after sending my inquiry she was in touch with me to set up the interview. She went over in great detail what would be needed for the session and I felt comfortable right away. She gives you so much information and really goes above and beyond as far as informing you of every step, truly the time that must be required to do this work is pretty amazing and I’m so impressed with the amount of care that went into the whole process.

I can’t say enough about the session itself, it went way above any expectation I could’ve had. I definitely recommend the Medley with the Quantum Healing session- it takes pretty much the whole day and you really get to discover, process and integrate so much.

I was taken through a beautiful meditation along with healing energy work and soul healing work and got to actually be a part of the whole process. When the message from my higher self came through it was so beautiful. The message confirmed my intuition about my cosmic origin, revealed information about past lives and relationships and gave me so much personal information to work with in daily life.

After this we had a phone call processing all of the information which was very detailed. The thing I can’t impress enough upon anyone who might be reading this is the amount of material you have to work with from the session. Sometimes after other readings I’d get a great message but be left with a feeling of “ok, now what?”

I have so many specific techniques to work with from this session in daily life and that’s what I love most about it. As an intuitive person myself I have so much respect and admiration for Isabella that someone can attain this level of working with their gifts and helping others, it’s truly inspiring! I feel really fortunate to have made this connection. “- C.P., CA

"I am so happy that I followed the nudge to book with you again! I am so grateful and view my initial and each subsequent session with you as absolutely pivotal to all the positive change and growth I've experienced. Your guidance towards and reflection of my process has been a beautiful guiding light as I navigate this path! What I've taken from our sessions has been like what  true north is to reading a map!" - M. L., CA

"It has taken me a while to write this review because I wasn't sure how to put my experience in words. It also has taken me many weeks to fully integrate our session.
Working with Isabella, I felt for the first time in my life, heard and understood for who I am. To be seen in my full authenticity was a powerful catalyst to bring my authentic self into my daily life and fully and confidently express myself. I can clearly see the path that I am here to walk, I am aligned with universal law and manifesting my reality is a daily occurrence. My life is so full of abundance and wonderful things that naturally and easily "seem to appear." Thank you Isabella for helping me see my true self." – S.H., NJ

you are!
Helping you
to unwrap
your own